6 Tourist Attractions in Blitar, From Family Tours to Historical Tourism

Tourist attractions in Blitar include attractions in Blitar Regency and Blitar City, East Java Province. The city of Blitar, as well as the Regency of Blitar, both offer natural charm at the foot of Mount Kelud.

Actually, it is not only the City and Blitar Regency that are at the foot of Mount Kelud. Kediri Regency, and Malang Regency, are also at the foot of Mount Kelud.

Naturally, if in the end the tourist attractions in Blitar are dominated by natural tourism that is instagramable. In addition, there are historical tours in Blitar that you must visit, which the author will discuss in the next point.

As for the latest updates on tourist attractions in Blitar, especially regarding operating hours, opening and closing of a tourist spot, it really depends on the level of zoning during the PPKM period, including in Blitar.

Even though tourist attractions in Blitar are already open, like other tourist attractions, they are required to implement prokes, limit the number of visits, and limit their operating hours.

And here is complete information about tourist attractions in Blitar, which we have prepared for you. As an initial reference to determine tourist attractions on weekends, or during holidays.

6 Tourist Attractions in Blitar

1. Sumber Udel Waterpark

Tourist attractions in Blitar for families that are comfortable, and very popular, are at the Sumber Udel Waterpark. A swimming pool equipped with various facilities that pamper the tourists.

In fact, at Sumber Udel Waterpark there is a selfie spot that is contemporary, and with a 3D theme background. In addition, Sumber Udel Waterpark is also equipped with culinary spots.

  • The location of the Sumber Udel Waterpark is administratively located in Blitar City.
  • The address for Sumber Udel Waterpark is on Jl. Kalibrantas, No.31, Kepanjenkidul District, Blitar City, East Java Province.
  • The price of admission to the Sumber Udel Waterpark is Rp. 15,000 per person (Weekend)

2. Coban Wilis

The next tourist spot in Blitar is Coban Wilis. A very famous waterfall in the upper reaches of the Semut River. Currently, the condition of the route to the main location of Coban Wilis is very different from the conditions before the eruption of Mount Kelud in 2014.

Coban Wilis is perfect for those who really like the world of adventure, or exploration. Trekking to Coban Wilis is very challenging, through a shallow river. However, it is strictly forbidden to visit during the rainy season.

At the end of the river, you will eventually find a dead end, blocked by a very high stone fortress. And that's where Coban Wilis is.

Coban Wilis has a height of 100 meters, the water descends through the stone fort, straight into the pond. The water that goes down is not heavy, and the pool is not deep.

  • The location of Coban Wilis is in the upper reaches of Kali Semut.
  • Coban Wilis' address is in Semen Village, Gandusari District, Blitar Regency, East Java Province.
  • Coban Wilis entrance ticket is free.

3. Tirto Galuh Waterfall

Tourist attractions in Blitar are still about nature tourism, and the charm of waterfalls, the name is Tirto Galuh Waterfall. In the main location of the waterfall, there is more than 1 waterfall.

Although not high, but the charm of the water that descends between the large rocks, makes a very beautiful view. On the other hand, there is a kind of water reservoir, and the water in Tirto Galuh Waterfall is greenish in color.

  • Location and address Tirto Galuh Waterfall is located in Sidomulyo Village, Bakung District, Blitar Regency, East Java Province.
  • The entrance ticket to Tirto Galuh Waterfall is free.

4. Bung Karno's Grave

The historical tour in Blitar that you must visit is the tomb of the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, namely President Soekarno.

  • Bung Karno's tomb is also very suitable as an educational family tour. The building above the Bung Karno Tomb has a typical Javanese architecture.
  • The location of Bung Karno's tomb is located on Jalan Ir. Soekarno, No. 152.
  • Bung Karno's grave address is in Bendogerit, Sananwetan District, Blitar City, East Java Province.
  • The price of admission to the Bung Karno Tomb is Rp. 3,000.

5. Teletubies Hill

A tourist spot in Blitar for families that is highly recommended called Bukit Teletubies. The history of the name is due to the beautiful natural panorama in the area similar to the one in the Teletubies film.

At first, the place had the name Sumberasri Tower. And along with its development, it is more popular with the name Teletubies Hill.

This tourist attraction has very complete facilities. Plus there are many contemporary selfie spots, with charming natural backgrounds.

  • Location and address Teletubies Hill is located in Sumberasri, Nglegok, Blitar Regency, East Java Province.
  • The price for admission to Bukit Teletubies Blitar is Rp. 8,000 per person.

6. Pangi Beach

Tourism in Blitar is indeed complete, this is confirmed by the existence of natural tourism beaches. The beach which is quite popular in Blitar is called Pangi Beach.

Pangi Beach is part of the southern coast which has the characteristics of very large waves. However, the difference with Pangi Beach is that there are two corals that are between the two sides, indirectly becoming a breakwater that comes.

In the end, the waves that came to the shore did not become big. In addition, the two corals are like a gateway to the open ocean.

  • Location and address Pangi Beach is located in Krajan Hamlet, Tumpakkepuh Village, Bakung District, Blitar Regency, East Java Province.
  • Pangi Beach entrance ticket price is Rp. 8,000 per person.

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